
The Chair includes the Laboratory of Urban Design at the fifth year of the Single Cycle degree in Architecture and the Laboratory of Regional Design for Wellbeing at the first year of the master’s degree in Urban & Regional Planning and Design.

Additional hours will be offered through other optional courses (Visioning for Spatial Planning, Designing Regional Futures) that represent a transversal offer with respect to different degree courses: in addition to those mentioned, they are available for BAs degree courses in City & Landscape Planning and Architectural Sciences and for MAs degrees in Architecture (in Italian), Architectural Design - iCAD (in English), Landscape Architecture, Design. This offer will guarantee a wide extension of the Chair’s activities among all the degrees courses offered by the School of Architecture at the University of Florence.

The chair reaches EU and Extra EU students who do not automatically encounter EU studies, tush enhancing the EU dimension within the School of Architecture and its degree courses

Moreover, the Chair and its modules are targeted for university students but also involve architects and planning professionals with innovative didactic strategies, thus fostering the dialogue between the academic world and society.

 In fact, the seminars and the co-design workshops included in the Chair’s activities also include the participation of policy makers, civil servants and citizens that interact with the students.

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