The PracticEUA Chair aims at promoting the knowledge of a recently emerged field of urban regional planning studies, Regional Design, which proved to be rich in theoretical and practical implications for both the EU and member states within the application of the topics of the Urban Agenda for the EU (2016).
The New Leipzig Charter (2020) describes with the just, green and productive city three dimensions of urban governance for the common good. It identifies concrete areas of action to make cities resilient and empower them to deal with current and future challenges. Shaping digital transformation is an overarching task in integrated planning and design processes. The same applies to active and strategic land policies and land use planning strategies at the level of local authorities.
Regarding such aspects, a gap of knowledge emerged among both students and professionals, because of the novelty of these challenges under the frame of the “post-pandemic world”. Moreover, many difficulties emerged with the need of a more integrated vision of the issues of the EUA, including all the action plans provided by the EUA Partnerships, and for connecting them to the emerging issues of the New Leipzig Charter:
1) Green city (Air Quality, Circular Economy, Urban Mobility, Climate Adaptation, Energy Transition action plans)
2) Just city (Housing, Inclusion of Migrants & Refugees, Urban Poverty, Security in Public Spaces action plans)
3) Productive City (Jobs & Skills, Culture/Cultural Heritage action plans)
and to the transversal issues concerned with Digital transformation (Digital Transition action plan) and land policies and land use planning (Sustainable Land Use, Public Procurement action plans).
The PracticEUA JM Chair aims therefore at filling such a gap with a dedicated program of studies that enlarges its scope, considering the implementation of the Urban Agenda for the EU in all its issues and action plans, with particular regard to the most innovative aspects concerned with the green and just city. In fact, to provide the students with competences in Regional Design that will be very useful for their professional future, PracticEUA will focus on those aspects of urban regeneration and spatial planning that are most related with the just as well as the green transition. Moreover, it will strengthen the students’ digital skills thanks to the recourse to e-learning modalities and the reference to best practices by the New European Bauhaus, that during the last year of the ReD4EUA module has been proposed by the teaching staff to the students: they have recognised it to be an important repository of new creative ideas and innovative practices.
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