Who are we

Valeria Lingua is the Chair coordinator. She is full professor of Urban and Regional planning at the University of Florence, Department of Architecture (DIDA). Her research interests are concerned with spatial planning and regional design, with a focus on cooperative governance in strategic planning practices at regional and local levels.

In June 2015, her three years’ research project “AREA VASTA 2.0. A new form of localism in Italy: challenges, risks and opportunities for spatial planning across local boundaries” has been founded with 0,3 million euros by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research within the framework of the prestigious SIR Programme (Scientific Independence of young Researchers, i.e. the Italian correspondent of the ERC Starting Grants) aimed to support young researchers at the start of their independent research activity.

She has been affiliated academic in prestigious Universities and research groups: first at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College of London (2014), and nowadays at the Spatial Planning Chair at the Delft University of Technology (2016), Paris Sorbonne University (ongoing).

From January 2015 she is Scientific Director of the Regional Design Lab, a part of the system of laboratories of the Department of Architecture (DIDA) that carries out research activities and offers educational services in the field of regional planning and design. In the framework of the Regional Design Lab, she conducts research activities and consultancies concerning strategic spatial planning, sub-regional and inter-municipal planning, definition of river contracts, by applying Regional Design concepts for enhancing the process of strategic planning by shaping the boundaries of urban regions and conceive a shared vision for their spatial futures.

She is active member of national and international planning associations: she is part of the Tuscany board of the National Town Planning Institute (Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica - INU), Italian Ambassador of the Regional Studies Association – RSA and co-founder of the AESOP Thematic group on Regional Design.


Giuseppe De Luca is full professor and previous Dean at the Department of Architecture, University of Florence

Main fields of research have been directed to the study of the forms and methods of cooperative governance, and how they are transformed into "territorial projects", after being inserted in territorial strategic visions.

With special reference to the last decade he led forward a research program which had as its central place spatial planning at the regional level - experimenting with the features, weaknesses and the potential real, even taking advantage of the occasion of the request for scientific advice by the Region of Tuscany.

Some of the results of the experiment have been partly transposed by the regional government, into the regional law n. 1 of 2005, hence the interest in the study of the processes of formalization and coordination of regional planning instruments, as well as the publication of the same argumentative text of regional law.

He will provide additional teaching hours concerning regional planning methodology and cooperative of cooperative governance within the optional module “Visioning for Spatial Planning”


Carlo Pisano is architect and Assistant Professor of urbanism and urban design at the University of Florence. He has carried out research and teaching activities in the field of spatial planning and design at the Universities of Cagliari and Florence, IUAV of Venice, and TU Delft. He also teaches Urban Design at the master’s degree course at the Catholic University of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Tirana, Albania.

The main research fields concern the study of Regional Design and Visioning in Europe at the metropolitan and regional level and the study of urban regeneration processes of areas in transformation, peripheral areas, and cities subjected to extreme touristic pressure. International research projects include "Bruxelles 2040" (2011), "Greater Moscow" (2012), and "Nieuw Zuid Masterplan" (2012) developed with the Associate Studio Bernardo Secchi Paola Viganò; the Strategic and Territorial Plan for the Metropolitan City of Florence (2016, 2018) and the Masterplan for the Quartier Wienerstrasse in Linz (2018), winner of Europan 14.

He is the author of over 60 scientific publications including contributions to the journals Planning Practice & Research, Sustainability, Land, Urbanism, Crios, Tema, Monu, Tourism Planning & Development and Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development.

He will provide additional teaching hours concerning scenario planning and urban design within the optional module “Designing Regional Futures”.

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