
“The European Urban Agenda into Practice: Regional Design for Transformative Cities – PracticEUA” project promotes an innovative programme of studies, dedicated to the implementation of the Urban Agenda for the EU from a design context-led perspective, having particular regard to emerging issues related to the green and just city, as well as the digital transition, promoted by the New Leipzig Charter of 2020.

PracticEUA aims to contribute to the implementation of the Urban Agenda for the EU by providing, through Regional Design methodologies, both knowledge and design solutions for the regeneration of urban areas characterised by complex problems. As general objectives, the proposed Chair aims to:

- promote excellence in teaching for higher education students of Architecture, Urban & Regional Design, Landscape Architecture and Design on the topics, objectives and action plans of the Urban Agenda of the EU, fostering transversal courses and innovative teaching methods based on both formal and non-formal situated learning

- educate a young generation of architects and spatial planners who will be able to develop the necessary design and policy skills to engage in the regeneration of complex neighbourhoods, cities and FUAs, and, more generally, to play an active role in the sustainable spatial development of cities and territories.

- respond to specific societal needs and generate excellence in research, gathering place-based on-site design workshop, conferences, summer schools and training roundtables in order to provide participants with the best theoretical and practical knowledge of key issues of the EUA

- foster the dialogue between the academic world and the civil society, by providing urban and regional design solutions for real case studies of complex areas/neighbourhoods, working with local authorities’ policy makers, planning practitioners, stakeholders, associations and citizens for defining current needs and envisioning a better future for these areas.



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